Organisational Design

What is OD

 Organisational design is a step-by-step methodology which assesses the misalignment of work flow, procedures, structures and systems, and realigns them to fit current business realities/goals, and then develops plans to implement the new changes. The process focuses on improving both the operational and people side of the business. For most organisations, the design process aims to achieve a more effective organisational design, significantly improved results (profitability, customer service, internal operations), and employees who are empowered and committed to the business.


You don’t want to begin making changes until you have a good understanding of the current organisation. Using our OD Model, we facilitate a comprehensive assessment of your organisation to understand how it functions, its strengths & weaknesses and alignment to your core ideology and business strategy. The assessment determines how the organisation currently works, how the various parts are interrelated, its overall state of health, and most importantly, what needs to be done to make improvements.



What is the organisation’s current performance?

Results define the success or health of an organisation, and are therefore the starting point for understanding how well the organisation is functioning.


Strategy is a planned set of conscious decisions about how the organisation will add value to customers and distinguish itself from its competitors. It also includes performance targets and strategy for growth.

Core Process

This is the flow of work through the organisation.

It is the sequence of events or steps necessary to get a product out the door or deliver a service. This also includes the technology and resources (equipment; software; space and materials) required to produce a deliverable. Core business processes are, or should be; the focal point around which all other business unit activity is organised. Understanding, streamlining and properly supporting core business processes is the central job of any organisation.


How people are organised around business processes.

It moves beyond box charts to understanding the boundaries, roles, responsibilities and reporting relationships among people (RACI approach). It is a sort of template that determines not only relationships but coordination of tasks and allocation of resources around business processes. The proper question about structure is not whether it is the right one, but whether it fits with the rest of the organisation (core processes and strategy), and helps rather than hinders performance.


Organisational Culture is a system of shared assumptions, values, and beliefs, which governs how people behave in organizations.

It consists of the leadership style, employee attitudes and habits,v  and management practices that make up the distinctive “personality” of the organisation.


    Executive Team Development

    This provides the organisation’s top leaders the support they need to successfully guide and manage the design process. It often includes helping them clarify their leadership philosophy, shared core work, and how they work together to manage business results. We offer coaching and team development activities to strengthen their ability to build a positive and sustainable organisational culture.


    Develop Charter

    • Establish Project Charter
    • Conduct snapshot assessment (“AS IS” Analysis)
    • Educate leaders
    • Commission design team
    • Begin change management strategies


    Create Strategy

    • Analyse processes, structure, systems and culture
    • Report out to steering team
    • Continue change management strategies



    • Establish design guidelines
    • Define business model
    • Redesign processes, structure, systems and culture
    • Verify the design
    • Report out to steering team



    • Commission implementation team
    • Flesh out design recommendations
    • Create detailed implementation plans
    • Train people in new roles/skills
    • Reconfigure equipment and work-space



    • Assess performance against balanced scorecard
    • Make adjustments to design
    • Continue training leaders and employees


    Communication Plan

    We assist the organisation to drive continuous focused communication throughout the process to ensure continuous buy-in and support and understanding of the change process. This may include newsletters, webcasts, implementation of change champions and coffee-table discussions.


    Change Management

    Organizational Change Management is a structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams and organizational structure, from a current state to a desired future state, and includes both organizational change management processes and individual change management models, which together are used to manage the people, process and performance side of change.

    We commission a change management team to assess organisational readiness and provide this team with tools to overcome resistance and positively engage employees as contributing partners in implementing your new design and achieving business success.

    For more information, please contact us via [email protected] or call +27 11 026 3442.
    Follow us on LinkedIn.