

QuikSkills Auditing System


To most organizations, the benefits of investing in on-going staff training are clear. They include:


  • Process improvements: reduced duplication of effort, less time spent correcting mistakes, faster access to information, etc.
  • Cost savings: lower staff turnover; lower recruitment costs; reduction in bad debts; reduced customer support calls; reduced help desk calls; reduced need for supervision; reduced downtime; increased staff productivity; fewer machine breakdowns; lower maintenance costs, etc.
  • Improved profitability: increased sales; more referrals due to better customer service; new product ideas; improved customer satisfaction and retention, etc.
  • Performance improvement: in quality, quantity, speed, safety, problem solving, etc.
  • Behavioural improvements: in attitude, ethics, motivation, leadership, communication, reduced staff conflict, etc.
  • Increased staff satisfaction: well trained staff tend to be happier, stay longer, and are more loyal.

Research undertaken to uncover the financial impact to an organisation of investing in staff training shows a clear and quantifiable link between an above average investment in staff training and superior bottom line performance. 

“So, If we accept the need for investing in a formal staff training program, how does one go about identifying staff training requirements and putting a suitable program in place?

Key Characteristics:


  • Information supporting the Skills Audit process (competency profiles and organisation structures) can be stored within the system (eliminating version control issues);
  • Hassle free implementation – QuikSkills © is a web-based system, no physical implementation is required;
  • User training is half a day, and includes the principles of Training Needs Analysis;
  • No limitation to the number of users who access via username and password;
  • Access control to sensitive information;
  • Reduces subjectivity, particularly with regard to the demographic in businesses;
  • Understandable terminology;
  • Ability to upload your company specific competencies;
  • Compare individual competencies against your current competencies as per the job profile and generating a list of critical skills gaps to effectively plan training and development;
  • Ability to export reports to Microsoft Word, Excel and Adobe PDF.


Advantages and Benefits:

QuikSkills© incorporates the following strategic approaches to a Training Needs Analysis:

  • Aligns Competency profiling to your organisation’s strategy;
  • Assists you in identifying training needs thus creating a needs driven approach to training and development;
  • Underpins the skills audit principles;
  • Allows you to create an appropriate Learning & Development framework;
  • Provides you with the tools to designing your own Training Needs Analysis, and identifying critical and scarce skills for effective talent management.


Key Objectives:

  • Improve the overall audit process;
  • Create a customised questioning system that invokes honest responses;
  • Enhance communication structure and flow;
  • Improve behaviour patterns and body language awareness;
  • Build “results producing” relationships;
  • Improve clarity and reception of key ideas;
  • Develop awareness and acceptance among those being audited.


Optional Skills Audit Training:


A Skills Audit is a process that can be used to identify the skill gaps in an organisation. The outcome is a training needs analysis that identifies where training is required. We will assist with the implementation and application of QuikSkills© – which would incorporate training on the principles and concepts of Skills Audits and how the process is aligned to organisational strategy.


A Skills Audit results in:


  • An understanding of the skills required and gaps the organisation currently has;
  • A targeted analysis of development needs;
  • A list of people who need development;
  • Data that can be used for purposes such as internal selection; and
  • Information that can be used for dynamic succession planning.


For more information, please contact us via [email protected] or call +27 11 026 3442.
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