Equal Pay Audit

Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value Audit

Work of equal value includes work that is the same, substantially the same or of the same value as other work, as contemplated in Regulation 4 of the Regulations to the revised Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value section in the Employment Equity Act. Whilst the legislation is specific to South Africa, Equal Pay for Work of Equal value is a good overall remuneration principle.

With the amendments to section 6 of the Employment Equity Act promulgated on 1 August 2014, it requires that all organisations have a job grading system in place or a robust method of explaining why certain categories of staff earn certain amounts. This legislation is applicable to all organisations and should they not comply there may be a penalty fee of 2% revenue following the first offence and as much as 10% for a second offence.

Equal Pay for Work of Equal Value is a required framework in terms of the distribution of pay within an organisation.

Emergence is able to conduct a full audit to determine where the organisation may be lacking in terms of the requirements of the Equal Pay legislation.

equal pay

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