REM 101

rem 101

Remuneration is the number 1 reason people join and leave organisations. If you are looking to understand the fundamentals of Remuneration & Reward, this 2-day workshop is for you! We focus on taking best-practice theory to best-fit practical application – so you can successfully participate in remuneration conversations and design appropriate Remuneration structures. If you wish to specialise in Remuneration/Reward, this workshop provides the necessary foundation knowledge.

Course overview:


Job Profiles/Descriptions

Job profiles are the foundation of most HR management processes and decision making.  What is a job profile; what are the different types of profiles; and what they are used for.


Job Evaluation

Job evaluation is a systematic way of determining the value/worth of a job in relation to other jobs in an organisation. Get an overview of Job Evaluation & differing systems/methodologies.


Salary Surveys 

A salary survey is a tool specifically for remuneration specialists and managers to define a fair and competitive salary for employees. Learn how to use and interpret survey data.


Salary Structures

Salary structures/Pay scales define salary ranges for each grade. Learn what to look out for in good design and how to manage them.


Total Guaranteed Package

Commonly known as Cost-to-Company or CTC. What are the pros and cons, how is it calculated and how can it impact the organisation.


Performance Management and Performance Related Pay

Ensure that activities and outputs meet an organisation’s goals in an effective and efficient manner by linking pay to performance


Variable Pay

Understand the design principles and application of both Short-term and Long-term Incentives.


Employee Engagement

Learn to use Employee Engagement to positively impact the organisation by improving the attraction, retention and motivation of employees.


Remuneration Strategy

Learn to align the environment and the processes of organisation with the strategic goals and objectives by utilising various Remuneration drivers.

Who Should Attend?

Ambitious HR professionals seeking to diversify skills.

Junior practitioners in remuneration/reward.

Experienced remuneration/ reward practitioners requiring skills update or “refresher” training.

rem 101

For more information, please contact us via [email protected] or call +27 11 026 3442.
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